Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Labor Day Weekend '08

This Labor Day we enjoyed time with our families. Saturday we went canoeing with Henry and Kristina and Little Henry in Mohican. This time we got a canoe, a kayak, and a couple innertubes that we could share as we made our way along the river. We had a great time splashing and chilling in the sun for hours... then Little Henry came home with us to stay for the rest of the weekend. We took him on Sunday to the Cleveland Air Show and saw the Blue Angels perform. Even though he said it was boring while we were there- he kept telling us later that it was cool, "... like transformers!!" he exclaimed. He's a great kid and we enjoyed having him. Although, we definitely got an experience with discliplining an 8 year old little smarty pants. Now that Kristina's family has moved back to Ohio, we will probably be seeing a lot more of the kids!!! Yay! So, on Monday we invited Byron's parents and Hollie's parents to come up for a picnic at Edgewater Park, along with Kristina & Henry & kids, Grandma & Grandpa Doup, and our friend Kristin & her kids. A good time was had by all! It was really nice to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather and good food.

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